At Vanix, we offer a comprehensive range of services to help businesses and organizations navigate the world of electric vehicle (EV) charging. Our team has extensive experience in the design, implementation, and management of EV charging infrastructure, and we work closely with clients to create customized solutions that meet their specific needs. Whether you’re a Condo/HOA Association, commercial property owner, or local government looking to install charging stations for your residents, tenants, or employees, we can provide the solution that fits your needs.

Our services include EV Charging as a Service (EVCaaS), site surveys and assessments, feasibility studies, project management, and ongoing support, and we use the latest technology and industry best practices to ensure that your EV charging infrastructure is efficient, effective, and future-proof.

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EV Site Feasibility, Due Diligence, and Development
  • Preliminary Site Layout and Feasibility
  • Due Diligence and Site Selection
  • Power Access Assessment
  • (AHJ) Permitting Support
  • Signage Permitting Support
EV Planning, Preparedness, and Construction Phase Services
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Host Site Coordination and Selection
  • EV Fleet Conversion Planning
  • Life Cycle Analysis
  • Renewable Energy
  • Asset Management
  • LEED Coordination
  • Construction Management
  • Third-Party Drawing Review
Consulting Office
EV Consulting Services
  • Electric Vehicles Services
  • EV Strategy and Roadmap Development
  • Business Planning and Benchmarking EV Market Assessment
  • Fleet Advisory Service Program Design and Implementation
  • Total Cost of Ownership Modeling
  • Make-Ready Infrastructure Program Development
  • Utility Fleet Electrification
  • EV Rates and Incentives
  • Customer Outreach and Education
  • Project Management
  • Vendor Selection

As part of our electrical vehicle charging consulting services, we also specialize in strategy development for EV charging. Our team can work with you to create a comprehensive plan that takes into account your organization’s goals, budget, and infrastructure needs. We conduct a thorough analysis of your current and future EV charging requirements, assess the available options for charging equipment and network management systems, and provide recommendations on the best approach to meet your needs. We also provide guidance on pricing and billing strategies, as well as regulatory and compliance considerations. With our help, you can create a sustainable and effective EV charging infrastructure that supports your organization’s goals and meets the needs of your customers or employees.

In addition to strategy development and infrastructure planning, our electrical vehicle charging consulting services also include outreach to accelerate adoption of EVs and EV charging infrastructure. We recognize that increasing EV adoption requires a multi-faceted approach that involves education, awareness, and engagement. Our team can help you develop targeted outreach strategies to reach your key audiences, whether they are customers, employees, or the general public. This might include social media campaigns, events and workshops, or partnerships with local organizations and community groups. We can also provide guidance on how to leverage incentives and rebates to incentivize EV adoption and support your outreach efforts. With our expertise and support, you can build a strong foundation for EV charging infrastructure adoption and create a more sustainable future.